Saturday, February 15, 2014


I havent given up on this project. I just had to direct a lot of my attention to pulling off a chain of miracles. Miracle #1 be able to get a house loan , with an illegal house foreclosure still on my record. Miracle #2 find a house with in my budget that is not 100 years old or needs a ton of work. Miracle #3 be forunate enough to get some help from my family for a down payment. Miracle # 4 be able to take possession of the house by March 1st. Miracle #5 to be able to do all of this in 20 days.

Never tell a person it cant be done, when they are in fact in the process of doing it.

needless to say, that was the hard part. Now I need to focus my attention to packing up and moving. And leaving this apartment for good by the 28th at noon in February.

So dont count on anything new till mid March. Maybe sooner but dont hold me to that.