Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Shapeways Pricing

You have until October 7th before Shapeways changes its pricing.
Good news is, it should be cheaper to print. The bad news is items that have more than piece will go up in pricing.

As an example the Recon 4 pack will cost close to $30 with their new pricing guide lines.
The good news is some of the prices are going down, if they are a one piece print.

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Recon Vehicle

The plan was to pull this from Shapeways on the 9th this month. With the unknown state ofthe Robotech Gaming Center site currently in Limbo . I am going to keep it up in the store for the time being.

Thursday, September 4, 2014


Upon a request from Breetai, he wanted a custom Factory designed for his table top.
I've up loaded two versions of this factory. One that is just the basic factory and the other I included two civilian trucks to go with it. Since shape ways automatically charges you $2.50 for the print, the more objects you can sneak into a print the more you can drive the cost down per model.

Here is the link to one of the Factorys. http://shpws.me/vRkG

Looks like all of the models are now showing up for sale so that issue has been resolved.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Shapeways delays

I've added a Rounded Building to the Shapeways store tonight as well. I noticed the Recon vehicle isn't showing up for sale yet. Seems there is a rather lengthy delay with their system when you check mark a item to make it available for sale.

I will keep an eye on this and if it still doesn't show up for sale by the morning. I'll contact them and see what the problem is.

Recon 4 Pack

For a very limited time I am going to offer this 4 Pack of Recon vehicles up on my Shapeways site.
On 9/9/14  I will be pulling it down from the Reckless shop.