Some of the model kits of the Booster showed an Reaction Control System (RCS) between the two main boosters. This would allow controlling the pitch once it got out of the atmosphere. Which seems a little weird since the booster would mostly separate once it got out of the atmosphere. But hay, it is some much needed detail,
Here is another non-rendered shot of the rocket boosters. In keeping with the RCS, I put some more maneuvering thrusters into the rear section. It did not make since to only have them controlling the pitch. By doing this it keeps up with the theme that you now can maneuver this booster in outer space.
I also made a connector that fits onto the launching arm and that should fit snuggly between the underside of the two boosters. This piece does not need to be glued in place.
Only thing I have to tackle at this point is, can the actual Robotech VF Fighter be inserted into this Booster. Easy fix would be to just print the VF already with the booster but that brings about big legal issues.