Thursday, June 25, 2015

3rd Generation Talk & Scaling Game Design Issues

Since Palladium Books is talking about potentially using a sliding scale for their 3rd Generation. I thought I would dig out one of my 10 year old models. I have had a few requests to do the Cyclone's and offer them up for sale which as we all know would be a huge mistake on Shapeways.
Due to PB's last few up-dates, I have had to remove my self from the Robotech Tactics Facebook page. The general environment on that page was so disgustingly negative that it became unbearable. Some of those people I believe are actually happier when they have something to bitch about. I do not need that type of negativity in my life. I put up with that sort of thing from my ex-wife for 14 years. Once you get out of a negative cycle like that. You will adamantly remove people and places like this out of your life because these things do impact your day to day life.
Honesty, Kevin needs to have someone read his posts before post them up. Most of the negativity that gets generated towards PB could be squashed if they understood the Tabletop Wargamer Mind set better. Kevin S, I do believe truly cares about this game first and foremost. It is just that he is over his head and having to learning how to handle a whole new manufacturing and get caught up with people that have had over 20 years of tabletop war gaming.
Now on to the subject of staying with 6mm. I knew from the start this scale was going to be an issue when it came to the 3rd Generation. Many people questioned this during the Kickstarter but it was made very loud and clear between PB and Ninja Division that this scale would be do-able. 6mm was an easy market to break into. You can get those Battletech players to buy into the Mechs because they fit with their scaling. You could help keep the costs down on the early Macross Mechs because they would be smaller. They should have known from the beginning this was going to be an issue. they should have modeled the Largest and Smallest Mech for each Generation and adjusted the scales on the entire set before even committing to a scale. This Scale Issue has been a long time arch-enemy of mind when it comes to Robotech. I spent several years combating this problem when it came to video game modifications to product a space combat Robotech game. Either the ships were to big or to tiny there was NO in-between. Which brings me to this train of thought. Robotech Tactics is meant to be more of a skirmish table top war game. Smaller number of units, roughly under 20-30 per side. Think about it, when you fire any type of weapon, that stat and dice roll has to be remembered so the other player can counter it. This type of system only works well if you keep the game some what on the small side. Otherwise it becomes very time consuming and weighed down. With the 1/285 scale you are given the impression of  how vast the battle is. How each unit plays an important role on the battlefield and you can see it all play out across an entire city. With this scale, they game system should have been designed to handle 40 plus units per side on the table with out slowing down the game play. Now with a potential scale change, it is seriously going to stress this over sight on the game design. It could be so much smoother of a game system, than to bring out the old Warhammer 40K design. Even with 40K when an Attacker shoots at you and then damages you. You do not have to keep track of how high of a roll they made when they hit you. It just plainly doesn't make sense to keep track of this number. It would make more sense to change the PL value into the number of dice rolled for the attack action and you only succeed on a 4-6. You count the number of successes and the defender can try to dodge it. Again all the Defender needs to do is get 3 successes other wise he takes the full impact of the hit. Hell if the defender ties the successes, you could allow it to half the damage etc... Anyways, this is the point that I am trying to make, with the addition of more conventional vehicles keeping tabs on all of this is going to get increasingly harder. Dust Tactic's system is an example of how to stream line a table top war game, yet have so much layers of tactics that it is still hard to master.
So now that this topic is out of the way. This Cyclone model is already set up with changeable parts for its weapon systems and alternative heads so you can have characters with helmets on or with out. I see some thing I should change but you get the general idea.