Thursday, April 30, 2015

More Booster Info

I have broken up the Atmospheric Booster into three major groups so people can buy the parts that they want. Instead of buying all of them and setting aside the ones they do not need. The most expensive part of this kit is the Crawler and there isn't much I can do to reduce its cost. (Other than print them out with my own printer). The Rocket Booster is at a good price point of being just under $20. On the down side, this single part will require a large amount of time to modify a VF Fighter into it. If you don't have the patience and or developed the skill set to take on a modification of this type. I would *NOT* order it!
This piece is in Beta for a reason, there are to many variables to this part and it fitting correctly with the PB VF Fighter. Not to mention all of the modification work you would need to do to the VF Fighter it self.

Some time down the road, who knows, maybe the powers at be will allow me to print out a VF designed for the Booster. Then they would be no worries about fitting & massive amounts of Modification.

All of the Control Arm kits are being sold at a reduce cost, ie I am making .50 on them. Since they should be apart of the basic Crawler, you are getting them close to cost. Plus if one ever gets damaged you can order a replacement one. It gives you more options to building the Crawler you want to have.

As I have stated before on the FB page. I do not make a lot of money on these models. I have over 120 hours of work just in designing the model. This does not count getting it ready and set for Shapeways printing. I know in two days I spent another 10 hours spinning my wheels trying to get it to work in shapeways with no results. Needless to say, your average 3D modeler works for $20 a hour. So I have over $2,000 in time put into this model so far. The bulk of the price is all shapeways profits. I will only see $2 in profit from this model. I know the price is to hefty but I need to be able to recoup some of my time. Granted it may take 10 years I would have sold 1,000 of them by then.


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