Monday, May 29, 2017

Achievement Unlocked: Offically an Artist for Firelock Games

Well according to their Second Rule book.

This has been a very strange twist in events.

Back in April I was still trying to get all my stuff gathered to send off to Weta Workshop. When I ran across an old Kickstarter that I just could not back the first go around. I dived in and absorbed as much as I could to get back up to speed with the game's development. With my latest addition of a 3D printer, I was coming up with ideas for terrain and game pieces that could be used for it. During my lunch break I thought. What the hell what do I got to loose but to ask if they would be interested in me designing terrain and other game pieces for them. So I sent out a message to one of the Co-Founders Alex. I kept it very simple with a picture of the Medusa , its orthographic and thanked him for his time.

With-in Five Minutes he responded and he was indeed looking for someone to do terrain for them!
He told me lets touch base later on and that we would work out the details.

So Saturday night and all day Sunday, I started to 3D model out terrain pieces. Did some Rum Barrels, Spanish Style Church, modular dock, crates etc... On Monday morning, I fired off a series of pictures of the terrain I worked on the past few days. He was really impressed, He got Mike Tunez the other Co-founder involved. Mike immediately asked if I could do a Piragua? Which I new was a ship on some kind but that was about it. The Piragua was one of the three ships that needed to be ready for the new Kickstarter in June. It was mid April and this ship needed to take priority so they could have it done in time. The second ship is a Galleon which they were still building.

After one attempt that needed so many changes. I asked if a line drawing could be done so I could get the basic shape and lay out as close to possible. In a few days I had the line art and went to town. Just shy of a week, I had the 3D model of the Piragua approved by Firelock games. It was sent out to be proto-typed and have some wooden detailing put in to match the others in their ship line.

After the Piragua was done I was asked to work on boat number 3. Which I will not spill the beans on what this one is. Mike and Alex both have not gone on the record yet to what is it. All I can say is it fits with the theme of the Kickstarter.

So let this story remind all of you out there.
If you have a dream of doing something, reach out for it. No matter how hard the odds may seem.
You just never know, the one time you ask for it, they may just say yes.

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