Thursday, January 15, 2015

Possible Future and the Shapeways Store

There has been some things happening in the background that may or may not pan out. That will in one shape or another affect my current shapeways store. I am not at liberty to really say what is going on at the moment because everything is still fluid and there has to be a series of approvals before it can be solidified.

Now that this cryptic message is done with.

What this means is, if there is something that you like and or want. I would recommend purchasing it sooner than later. Some of these models may or may not be around soon. Pricing could increase and the store might just move etc... These affects could happen tomorrow, next week or next month, I just do not know. There are a lot of if's to what might happen and nothing is written in stone yet.

Since I have been doing this blog for over a year. I thought I should at least give you a heads up. This is not a ploy to increase sales, it is an attempt to let you know in advance of what might be coming. The choice is yours to make.

What the Future might bring is very exciting.
I will continue to keep doing 3D modeling for Robotech Tactics.

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